Friday 11 June 2010

Leaving Oz

Hey hey. I'm typing this in an airport again, the joy of free internet and weird keyboards. After Sydney I went to Katoomba in the Blue Mountains area, very nice on the first day with a geat view of the canyon, and saw my first unusual wildlife - pigeon-type birds with little spikes of feathers on their heads (not cockatoos, although they are wild here aswell). I played some songs in a pub, although it was probably one of my worst performances (and thats saying something). On day two it was all fog and rain so I easc aped and got a train to the c apital, canberra. A big wide mostly featureless city, with one youth hostel miles away from the train station (thats planning for you). The walk up AInslie hill was cool though, I saw some kangaroos and got a good view of the city at night.

The last place I went to was Melbourne, home of Neighbours although I didn't see Harold or anything. Melbourne has more of a cool feel than Sydney, more a place you'd actually want to live. I met up with a friend who I'd originally met in Laos and she took me to some great little bars (I'll have to get the names off her, but two were out of the city cente in the north part of town), and we had a massive meal in a Lebanese restarant (in fact I've just finished up the left overs at the airport!). I had to get back to Sydney so I took an overnight bus... 12 hours ... my head is not right today.

So going back to NZ now for one night, then onto Kyoto!


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