Wednesday 12 May 2010

Sea's a bit choppy today, skipper

Well then. I'm typing this quite late as I can't sleep. This could be due to:
a) The large Irish bloke snoring in my dorm room
b) The mussels that I had for dinner, a nice couple from London shared today's catch with me
c) Because its a new moon

Or all of the above.

Anyhow, the Abel Tasman coastal track was very nice. I took a bus and boat combo to Totaranui and walked down to Marahau, staying one night in a hut. The track dips in and out of some nice looking beaches. It cost me 40$NZ to get from Motueka to Totaranui, and 20$NZ to get from Marahau to Nelson. The driver was good enough to stop by the YHA in Motueka so I could pick up the stuff I'd left there. Luckily I had just got to the end of the walk when the rain started, its a full on storm out there now. It was a very scenic route, also very easy. It would probably be a good one to do first rather than leaping straight into hard multiday treks up mountains and so on (like I did).

Ok, til next time

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