Monday, 31 January 2011
New Mills, home of some mills
Well I found the Millenium Walkway easily enough thanks to several helpful signs which led me down from the station to the Torr valley below, where the river Goyt flows through an impressive gorge cut out of sandstone. Immediately opposite me on the other side of the river was a fine looking and only slightly decrepit Torr Vale Mill building, which apparently stopped working only in 2000 (just in time for the Millenium Walkway to open), I could see a strip light on in one of the upper floor rooms and a man in a fluorescent jacket was doing something maintainy on the outside. I don't know what I was expecting from the Walkway, it was pleasant enough, basically taking you over the river past the above mentioned mill, but was over unfortunately too quickly. A plaque at the other end of the Walkway told me that the designer of the bridge had died during the 2005 London bombings, which made me appreicate his lifetime achievement a little more.
The majesty of the Millenium Walkway
I wandered around the river area for a bit, coming almost to the start of the Sett valley trail which apparently runs to Hayfield and which I will try another day, when I've gotten an earlier start than midday and maybe when its not so cold. By a large weir there was asmall hydro-electric power plant, featuring a reverse archimedean screw, although it was generating 0 volts when I was there. Then I backtracked and found a path leading past a farm with some Alpacas, a pleasant change from sheep or cows, and on to the Peak Forest canal. I walked for about half an hour before I turned back. There were lots of nice canal boats moored at the Furness Dale Marina, and a few in action sailing past. One unfortunate boat was tilted to the side, and on closer inspection was flooded, such a shame. There were quite a few people walking dogs, and one man with a backpack and wearing shorts, despite the ice sheets floating down the canal that you would think would indicate sub-zero, non-short wearing conditions. This evening I finished Bill Bryson's Notes from a Small Island, I laughed at the part where he describes short-wearing in British walkers as a sign of dementia.
If I'd had a map, I would have realised that I could walk down the canal back nearly to my home, in fact it passes through all the same places that the train did, besides Brinnington. Instead I went back the station for 3, as unless I wanted to hang around New Mills until 7, I would have to get off at Bredbury and walk. I'm sure it is nice, but Bredbury looked like a large industrial estate to me from the vantage of the train, and I didn't fancy getting lost there. I never even saw the town centre of New Mills with its promised heritage centre, but I doubt that I'd come back just for that, unless I do happen to walk it next time.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
There is no escape
Hmm, very deep.
Well, here's a picture of my mums dog, Tinker, playing with a burst football on New Brighton beach. It was bloody freezing, and we were out for two hours, the only way I could take my mind off my painfully cold hands was to take pictures. I must have taken about twenty of just sand.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Uni dream and twisting trouble
I'm still searching for a job, and I've been thinking about going back to school to retrain (don't know what yet). Last night I dreamt that I was wandering around a university building, lost, being ignored by all the chatting young students while I bumbled in and out of darkened rooms. One room had various people standing as if at stations during an exam or workshop, some were in business suits, others looked like drug addicts, in scruffy clothes, shaking. Another room had a bar, where I didn't get a drink but left after a naked old man started dancing next to me. After this the dream changed, and I'm flying around this tower thing which has a platforms seemingly representing musical notes, a geometric guitar tune was playing.
This morning I did some yoga, ashtanga primary series, I went quite fast and felt energetic on the arm-working poses, but the twists (Marichyasana C+D) were bad, I could hardly turn around on the left side. About a month ago I was grabbing my wrist behind my back, interesting how that twist comes and goes even though I'm practicing quite consistently. Maybe I've put on some weight now I have access to food all day. The phrase, "you've got to get out more" is very applicable here.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Klein vs Hayek
Firstly, I'd like to say that I don't know a darn thing about economics. I'm sharing a house with someone who owns a lot of books, and I happened to pick up one on the way to the toilet: "Road to Serfdom", by F.A. Hayek. The premise of the book, written during WWII, is that socialism and socialist policies must inevitably lead to totalitarianism. He does briefly mention that a society with a free economy must have some controls e.g. to prevent monopoly, to ensure some sort of welfare exists for periods of unemployment. It was an interesting book, I'd never really seen the link between socialism, a planned economy, and totalitarianism before. In my student days I lived with a person, lets call him Jim Carm, who wanted to be a civil servant, supported the idea of the EU having more power over the UK, and whose favourite past-time was writing the housework rota. So it all makes sense now, I knew he was a fascist... he also joked that he had the same intitials as Jesus Christ, so watch out, this guy could be the next Adolf.
After I finished Hayek, I picked up Naomi Kleins' book, "The Shock Doctrine". I haven't made much progress yet, but the central theory is that the modern capitalist model is to wait for a disaster, or even engineer a war of some sort, in order to impose free-market policies on the "stunned" civilians, such as privately-run schools in New Orleans, and forcing Latin American countries to take loans from Western countries. Or in the UK, when Thatcher used the Falklands war as a distraction to destroy the trade unions and sell off the public services. The upshot of it all is that a totally free economy requires a totalitarian government to impose it, in the same way as a pure socialist one. At the very least, it is interesting to read two books written 70 years or so apart, with related subjects and such contrasting angles.
So my question is, where are we headed in the UK? I could quite easily imagine the country now with the government simply providing the army and police, with everything else being left to private enterprise. Actually, maybe even the military and police are not safe - as in the film Robocop. I suppose its all about the balance, an oscillation in the tendencies of government between socialist and capitalist policies; a socialist government sets up a welfare system and a national health service, makes the people happy for a while until the govenment spending gets out of hand, and is then replaced by a neo-conservative government which sets out to privatise everything, looking out for the rich, and is eventually outed by the proles. And so on, each set of people mutating from pigs into humans.
On a lighter note, I saw a rather cheap-looking TV advert last night for an online money comparing company. It featured John Prescot, ex-deputy prime minister of the UK and famous for punching out a protester who threw an egg at him, in a garage practicing on a punchbag. A man in a suit enters and berates Prescot over his ownership of two cars. While this was amusing enough (can you imagine Colin Powell in the same situation?), my girlfriend asked me "What is that guy off Coronation Street doing on this advert?". It was up there with Iggy Pop selling car insurance and Johnny Rotten selling butter. I'm just waiting for a CGI Kurt Cobain advertising mens skin rehydration products.
In other news, I've had several dreams related to Buddhism over the last few nights: The Dalai Lama, Buddhist monks, people saying hello in Tibetan to me. Weirdly enough, a man with a totally bald head and wearing robes which looked rather like those of a Tibetan monk walked past me outside the Asda in Stockport town centre, not something I would usually see (or perhaps, notice) in the north of England. It feels like my mind is trying to remind me of something. Maybe there is a third way of government in there somewhere.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
The joys of job hunting
Daily routine consists of getting up when my girlfriend goes to work (about 6.30AM), doing some meditation and then yoga. Breakfast while checking emails and then job searching, CV and application writing all morning. In the afternoon I've been doing pilates and trying to learn Italian (for my next trip - heheh) and then cooking up something for when my other half gets home. Ah, domestic bliss.
Today I have the joys of the jobcentre - I've had one paranoid call of them already this morning. Apparently I was supposed to put down on their form that I had spent a year abroad - although I considered it a holiday, they don't. Also they seem suspicious that I am staying with friends, as if we are all married or something. (Is marriage just a way for the state to package people off into units of dependency?)
So to summarise: Gissa job!