Thursday 6 January 2011

The joys of job hunting

Third week back in the UK. Now the festive (fetid?) madness has dissolved I have no excuse in not looking for work. At the moment life is ok. I am staying at a friends house, a bit overcrowded but otherwise everything is fine. Living in Stockport now, a new area to support. Still travelling! I have now managed to live at just about every possible point along the river Mersey - from Wallasey and Liverpool, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington, Didsbury and now at the source.

Daily routine consists of getting up when my girlfriend goes to work (about 6.30AM), doing some meditation and then yoga. Breakfast while checking emails and then job searching, CV and application writing all morning. In the afternoon I've been doing pilates and trying to learn Italian (for my next trip - heheh) and then cooking up something for when my other half gets home. Ah, domestic bliss.

Today I have the joys of the jobcentre - I've had one paranoid call of them already this morning. Apparently I was supposed to put down on their form that I had spent a year abroad - although I considered it a holiday, they don't. Also they seem suspicious that I am staying with friends, as if we are all married or something. (Is marriage just a way for the state to package people off into units of dependency?)

So to summarise: Gissa job!

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